zindagi me humesha sabki zaroorat rakho, pr kabhi kisi ki kami nhi, kyonki zaroorat to kabhi b poori ho sakti h, pr kisi ki kami kabhi poori nhi hoti..
Never miss use the 1 who likes u. Never say busy to the 1 who needs u. Never cheat the 1 who really trusts u. Never forget the 1 who always remembers u.
Never Say Good Bye To Someone Who Loves You, Never Say Thanx Who Really Needs You, Never Blame A Person Who Really Trust You, Never Forget A Person Who Think You As Life ..!
Do not be afraid to shine. The world needs what you have to give. Open up the areas of your being: Expose them to yourself - to others. You are valuable. You are unique. You have much to give. Do not be afraid to give it
Value the person who hv valued ur life bcoz u never knw whn they will walk out of ur life n never come back again. V live life only once n miss them forever.