Letting go doesn't mean you have nothing left. It means you create a room for something better to come.
Enjoy who you are. Don't hate yourself for what you aren't.
Girls, don't search for a man that will solve all your problems, he won't. Find one that won't let you face them alone.
You just can't assume that everything will always be the same, because things change, especially people.
Tough times come and tough times go so always remember: no storm last forever, and when it's gone there's beautiful weather.
Go after what you want, and if it doesn't want you back then so be it. It didn't deserve you anywas.
Don't do something because you can. Do something because what you do is worth it.
People are in our lives for a second, a minute, a season or a lifetime. You never know which one it will be, so make the most of it...
Don't hide the feelings about some one special to you..bcoz one day when you realize to express them,that special one to you may not be with you..
Find Someone Who WillChange Your Life,Not Just Your RelationshipStatus ...
Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills.
If you have to keep wondering where you stand with someone, perhaps it's time to stop standing and start walking.
If you want something go after it; don't wait for it to come to you because one day you'll regret all the days you spent waiting.
Don't settle for less than you deserve because if you do the person will think that they can always treat you that way.
Failures are a part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn. If you don't learn, you'll never change.
Never apologize for saying what you feel, its like saying sorry for being real.
Don't force someone to remember you all the time. Just stay silent let them realize how will they be without you in their life. :) ?
Even if others give up on you, never give up on yourself. You hold the strength, power, and determination to thrive.
Never reject anybody in your life because;Good person gives us happiness &Bad person gives us experience.Both are essential for life :)
Dont hate when you meet wrong people in life. They teach you to be more careful when you're to make new friends.
A Nice Management Proverb:A dog will not hurt you if you beat it with a bone.. So use the right weapon to handle people. That's the secret of winning..
The best thing to do is to stop trying to figure out where you're going and just enjoy where you're at.
We are not chemicals..so we can think before reacting..!
Don't think about the few things you didn't get after praying. Think about the countless beautiful things God gave you without asking.
When you are unable to achieve anything.....dont get upset...just think that those things were not that worth...!!
Be picky with who you invest your time in, wasted time is worse than wasted money.
Note 2 guys- it's always important that you treat all women with respect, player or not this is not a game, this is life.
Whatever you are facing, remember to give yourself some credit for making it this far. You are stronger than you know.
Don't let the way you feel, determine how you treat someone, always treat people with kindness.
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