Angry Wishes and Status Messages - Page 3

Angry Messages Wishes on Page 3 of 3
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Updated 11 years ago
11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Chandan # 90

If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Naresh # 101

Do something that makes a difference - because, by God, there''s a lot to make you angry.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Vijay # 38

Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them how to be angry.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Barun # 65

It''s practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Charu # 22

The worst-tempered people I''ve ever met were people who knew they were wrong.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rajat # 18

When anger rises, think of the consequences.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Priyanka # 57

I would rather players get angry when they''re dropped than take it lying down.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Agha # 108

Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rajat # 18

If you would cure anger, do not feed it. Say to yourself: ''I used to be angry every day; then every other day; now only every third or fourth day.'' When you reach thirty days offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the gods.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Shubham # 34

When a man sends you an impudent letter, sit right down and give it back to him with interest ten times compounded, and then throw both letters in the wastebasket.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Kankambari # 122

I have to be honest with myself. I think I am going to get booed badly. I am very well aware that some fans are very angry.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Meenakshi # 127

It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By [email protected] # 121

Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Pramod # 67

Malice drinks one-half of its own poison.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sujit # 80

If you''re angry at a loved one, hug that person. And mean it. You may not want to hug - which is all the more reason to do so. It''s hard to stay angry when someone shows they love you, and that''s precisely what happens when we hug each other.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Varun # 60

One should not lose one''s temper unless one is certain of getting more and more angry to the end.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Reena # 37

Sometimes when I''m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn''t give me the right to be cruel.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Akshat # 42

Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anika # 70

Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is happiest who wisely turns them to the best account.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sanjay # 23

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sachin # 56

Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Reena # 37

Anger is a bad counselor.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rishi # 66

An angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sucheta # 97

Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Ashish # 52

Anger at lies lasts forever. Anger at truth can''t last.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Nitin Dhiman # 130

Anger blows out the lamp of the mind.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anurag # 106

Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you''ll ever regret.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Vibhu # 29

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Amar # 68

Speak when you''re angry,
and you''ll make the best speech you''ll ever regret.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rahul # 100

Temper tantrums, however fun they may be to throw, rarely solve whatever problem is causing them.

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