Best Good Afternoon Wishes and Status Messages

Best Good Afternoon Wishes
Viewed: All time: 11963 times, Week: 3 times
Updated 7 years ago
7 Years Ago | 2 shares | By Monika # 35

Good Night is the end side of World,
Good Morning is initial and
Good Afternoon is middle.
So enjoy this time.
Good Afternoon.

8 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Reena # 37

The only good morning is the
one that's start in the afternoon.

8 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Anju # 41

Before the day goes over and the night draws near,
I wish you enjoy this afternoon. Have a good afternoon

8 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Animesh # 94

No matter what time of day it is,
no matter what I am doing,
no matter what is right and
what is not I still remember you like this time Good Afternoon.

8 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Kuldeep # 69

Afternoon are unbreakable.
Mornings are uncontaminated evil
from the excavation of torture,
Which is why I don't do them anymore.
Good Afternoon

8 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Richa # 62

If I was
a dove I wud daily bring u peace
A sheep I wud bring u miracles,
an angel I wud bring u love,
but since I'm only human I can only wish u the best.
Good afternoon.

8 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Abhijeet # 50

Life is a magic…
The beauty of life is next second….. which hides thousands of secrets.
I wish every second will be wonderful in ur life.
Good afternoon.

8 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Monika # 35

Night has gone,
Morning has gone
But I have good noon to say u
Good Afternoon

Top Contributors

Points Rank Wishes
Monika 510 35 510
Reena 509 37 509
Anju 508 41 508
Abhijeet 502 50 502
Priyanka 497 57 497
Richa 495 62 495
Kuldeep 490 69 490
Animesh 478 94 478
Sourabh 469 107 469
Shashank 460 111 460
This category was added on 5/4/2018 10:26:36 AM, contains 11 SMS, images and status messages, was last last updated on 6/26/2022 6:49:24 AM, has 3 images, had 11963 visitors this month so far. Feel free to share these good, clean, happy Best Good Afternoon messages with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.