Best of Luck Wishes and Status Messages
Best of Luck Wishes Wishes
Updated 8 years ago
May God grant u a sun to warm u,
A moon to charm u,
An angel so no one can harm u...
Smile now
Wish u best of luck.
Wish you 'All the very best of LUCK'
May God stay wid yu dis day and give yu peace of mind.
May God give yu a happy heart and his love all da time.
In everything you do,
There is a purpose,
Prepare to pursue your purpose with
A prayer, ask for guidance, protection
And direction. Good Luck!
2 get great things not only act bt also dream,
not only plan bt also believe
Every sunset givs us 1 day less 2 live
Bt every sunrise givs us 1 day more 2 hope!
I wish a wish fr u,
a wish I wish fr few.
Wish I wish is -al ur wishes come true.
When things go wrong…
when sadness fills ur heart…
when tears flow in ur eyes…always remember 3 things
2—ur parents
3—my sincere prayers…..
God bless u
Knock, Knock
I knocked at heaven's door this morning.
God asked me...My child, what can I do for you?
And I said, Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message.
God smiled and answered...Request granted.
I wish a wish for u,
A wish I wish for few.
Wish I wish is all ur wishes come true.
May beauty of every season
Give ur heart a beautiful reason to smile.
May u succeed in every exams of ur life.
Good luck nd all the best
Wisdom is knowing what to do next...
Skill is knowing how to do it...
and sucess is DOING IT ! DO THE BEST IN THE TEST...
let ur path smooth nd easy Examination may be more
nd more easy..
let ur sucess come to true, that my best wishes to you!
May ur journey through lyf b an adventure of discovery n growth
Gud luck!
Success is like a beautiful girl
it will leave us at any time,
Failure is like a mother it will
teach us some important
lessons of life. Gud Luck!
As good luck would have it.
Those who have succeeded at anything and
Don't mention luck are kidding themselves
May ur pockets b heavy n ur heart b light
May gd luck pursue u each morning n n8
For a long time now I have tried
simply to write the best I can.
Sometimes I have good luck
and write better than I can.
Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.
Best of Luck!
For each petal on the shamrock
this brings a wish your way.
Good health, good luck, and happiness
for today and every day.
never say u r happy when u r sad..
never say u r fine when u r not ok..
never say u feel good when u feel bad,..
never say u r alone when i m still alive..
good luck and best wishes for ever............. hum
May gud luck be ur friend in whatever u do
And may trouble be always a stranger 2 u.
R u hungry?
Never mind I have 2bowls
1for wishes and 1for luck
Wishes are mine luck is urs
May God stay with u this day
give u peace of mind.
May God give u a happy heart
his love all the time. Good luck
Reverence, humility,
contentment, gratitude and hearing
the good Dharma, this is the best good luck.
Candle of hope is source of light
For success in life so don't loose it
Gd Luck
A fulfilling future belongs 2 those
With strong vision and resilience.
It doesn't matter where U might be now.
Starting well n finishing strong is what counts.
A tinge of green from the youthful trees
A bit of orange from the sunset hues
With crystal white from the morning dews
I have framed a colourful wish just for u
All of us have bad luck and good luck.
The man who persists through the badluck
Who keeps right on going iz the man
who iz there when the good luck comes
And iz ready to receive it...
It's hard to detect good luck-
It looks so much like something you've earned.
Winners believe that they create their
own luck by their actions;
losers believe in good and bad luck.
Even a stopd Clock is correct twice a day.
Think of this & lead ur life.
Good Luck
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