Woman know that they are not that pretty any more when they have nothing to wear.
Boys say it''s great, boys say it''s fine. 9 months later they say it''s not mine !
Computers are machines to help you solve problems you wouldn''t have if you didn''t have a computer.
Nok nok. Who''s there? ..... Marie ...... Marie who? ...... Marie who wanna...!!
Reality is for people who can''t face science fiction.
Elvis is dead and I don''t feel so good myself.
The fact that there are ''intelligent'' extraterrestrian creatures is proven by the fact that they did not contact us yet.
My mother-in-law walks 5 miles every day... I wonder where she''d be by now.
It''s the one who won''t be taken, who cannot seem to give.
It''s the soul afraid of dying ... That never learns to live
It''s the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the change.
It''s the heart afraid of Breaking ... that never learns to dance.
The heart and the brain are neighbours, but they will never be friends.
The present is just as mysterious as the future.
People who do not want to be disturbed, usually already are disturbed.
You can close your eyes for certain facts, but not for the memories.
Friendly words do not have to be long, the echo never dies.
What do you have to do when you fall into a river with a sign "Forbidden to swim?"
Life is what happens when you plan to do other things -- John Lennon
Be yourself, there are enough other people.
Law of Murphy..... Everything that can go wrong, goes wrong sooner or later......Murphy was an optimist.
Stress is when you wake up and realises that you haven''t slept yet.
It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
All of you who believe in psychokinetics, raise ''my'' hand ...
A lot of people are in pain out of fear to be happy
A lof of people were never happy because they thought it had yet to come.
A laugh is the shortest distance between two people.
I want to die sleeping, just like my grandfather ..... Not yelling and screaming like the people on his bus.
He said:"I thank you for the wonderful talk." ... I had only been listening.
When your youngest child needs sex education, you have badly informed your elder children on the subject.
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