Decent Wishes and Status Messages
Decent Messages Wishes
Updated 7 years ago
Most Relationships fail...
Not Because of the absence of love..
Love is always present,
It's just that,
One loves too Much and the other loves too Many...
Ur wealth, beauty and status are to be remembered for sometime.
Ur good character will rule over the hearts forever.
There Is No Royal Road To Success…!
But After Success,
Every Road Becomes Royal.
Best Wishes For Those Who Believe In Struggle.
One thing to be remembered in life….
Keep things in heart which hurts other….
But never try to hurt someone by keep in your heart…!!
Very Strange-
If We Sleep On Flowers,
Its Called Our first night
If Flowers Sleep On us,
Its Called our last night.
There are two kinds of secrets.
Those we keep from others...
And those we hide from ourselves.
We always doubt the positive
But are willingly quite ready to accept the negative
If someone says 'I Love You',We ask 'really'?
If someone says 'I Hate You', Do we ever inquire 'Are you Sure?'
That's what Life is All About.. !
A beautiful world can only be seen through
The eyes of a happy Heart...
May you always have a Happy Heart to
See the beauty that God Made Especialy for You.
Tomorrow's Yesterday Is Today,
And Yesterday's Tomorrow is Also Today...
Today's Yesterday Was Yesterday's Today,
So...Tomorrow's Today Is Today's Tomorrow.. !
Isn't it ironic?
We Ignore the Once who adore us,
Adore the Ones who Ignore us,
Love the Once who hurt us,
Hurt the Once who love us,
Then ask Why does it happen to me?
A Heart
That Is 0pen To Appreciate
Every Blessing
Should Always Be Bigger Than
The Eyes That See What’s Missing . .
I Like Everyone..
But I Love Only One
I Live For Everyone..
But I Breathe For Only One ..
Express Yourself To Someone Who Cares For You...
Not To Someone Who Need You..
Care Means Personal Commitment
And Need Means Personal Requirement.. !
Smile - It makes a world of difference .
Dance - Who knows when you won't be able to .
Cry - Holding those emotions in is bad for you .
Hug - Helps you and helps another .
Laugh - What's the point in hiding happiness ?
Live - Because life is everything .
Two things decide Ur attitude..
*what you think of yourself when you don”t have anything &
*what you think of others, when you have everything
Every Girl Wants a Bad Boy
Who Will Be Good Just For Her ..
Every Boy Wants a Good Girl
Who Will Be Bad Just For Him !!
When someone is trying to Explain or
Convince Something
Other person wont Give him/her Chance..
It's Called Selfishness.. !
A Girls Laughter Is Much
More Cheerful Than Boys
A Boys Tears Is Much
More Meaningful Than Girls.
Beauty can capture one's attention.
Character can capture one's heart..!
Live Well and Happily,
Its The Best Revenge To Those
Who Have Hurt You and Avoided You.. !
Cute statement..
A boy is always stronger than a Girl,
But Still throughout His Life,
He Waits for a Girl in front of whom he can
Kneel Down.. :-)
I still can't get why people choose wrong persons first
Then when right person arrive they just stop trusting people.. !
You don't really need someone to complete you;
You only need someone to accept you completely as you are in Life.
The Most Beautiful Cloths
That a Woman can Wear are the Arms of the Man She Loves,
AndThe Best Trophy
That Man can ever Win is a Woman's Hug whom he Loves.
Think Carefully:
What Touches Your Heart The Most.. ?
Being Hurt By Someone You Loved A Lot
Being Loved By Someone You Have Hurt A Lot.. !
Power Does Not Mean You Can Treat People The Way You Like
It Means People Cannot Treat You The Way They Like.
We always remember the words of hatred
When we had fight with our friends
But we often forget the promises we made,
When we had beautiful friendship with them.
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most:
Saying something and wishing you had not,
Saying nothing, 'And wishing you had?
If you thnk of someone to share your hapiness,
You Love that person a lot and
If you think of someone in tears to melt your pain,
That person Loves you a lot.!
I Want To live Life Widouth Stress nd Worries
, I don't Need To Be Rich nd Famous, I just Want To Be Happy,
I Just Want To enjoy My Life With My brdrs bcoz that all Matters To Me.......
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