When everything is going dark n dim, don't worry.God is actually switching off the lights before throwing a surprise party...
Just one word of encouragment can make the difference between giving up and going on.Ther is power in what you say..Speak carefully.
Failure is not being unable to perform but being unable to attempt...
Every gr8 story on the planet happened when someone decided not to give up, but kept going no matter what.
Soft Speech clean heart,peaceful eyes, strengthful hands,focussed mind and determined decision with God”s Love.Alway Makes you winner.
Achiever words:"I Never See What has been Done;I Only See What Remains to be Done"
Excellence is never an accident.It is always the result of high intention,determined effort,and skilled execution.
mathematics may bot teach us how to add love or, how to minus hate,but it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution
Looser says: It is possible but risk."&"Winner says: It is risk but possible.""Work Hard & Get Success".
Dont b disappointed if world refuse 2 accept u.Remember d words of Einstein-"I m thankful 2 all who said no, its bcoz of them i did it myself.
Difference b/w ordinary & extraordinary is just little EXTRA...so make urself just little extra n win d race.
If god solves your problem because you have faith in his ability..If god doesn't solves your problem, he has faith in your ability that u can do it.
A beautiful future is waiting for you.walk with aims. Run with confidence. Fly with your achievements. You will have a lovely and bright future.
There R Millions of People in this WORLD, Then Why U BORN?The Reason is "GOD is Expecting Something Special from YOU,Which is not Possible by Millions"
KEEP 3 WORDS IN UR POCKET:TRY,TRUE,TRUSTTRY for better future,TRUE with ur work,TRUST in urself,then sucess is yours.........
It just takes encouragement, determination, hard work & a positive attitude. We are all stronger then we think we are!
Dream is the only asset,which can never be, stolen, snatched, squashed or snubbed,
The Secret Of Greatness Is Simple: Do Better Work Than Any Other Man In Your Field And Keep On Doing It. . .
I was upset cause of less resources to fulfill my desires but a sudden meet with a man without hands changed my thinking
success is a tasty dish of which patience,intelligence talent and ability are ingredients but hard work is the little salt which makes it edible.
The Winner Always Has A Plan!The Loser Always Has An Excuse!
Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak..sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.
success does not come to you because you want it .success come to you because you did the right things
The reason why a seasaw was made for two people so that when u go down there would always be someone to lift you up again.
Success will never be a big step in the future,Success is a small step taken just now.
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.
Instead of waiting too long to do somethng BIG,do plenty of small works.It brings better results.Bcoz a river is always formed by the drops.
Its pointless to sit around and dream about things that could never happen.. when you can just wake up and make things happen.
Dont read stories of success,Read stories of Failure.Bcoz successful stories gives only msg,But stories of failure give new ideas to win.
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