Hardship is the best way to success.
"Best reason for our failures"V R expecting ORANGE by standing under a MANGO tree!So v should change either our expectation or tree..!!
Courage isn't always a Lion's Roar.. It's also the Silence of an Ant working patiently, persistently and never giving up..
Don’t define ur FailureBy looking atSumbody’s success..AndDon’t define ur successBy looking at sumbody’s failure...Set ur own targets evryday 2 break!
When someone is telling you that you can't do something, don't quit, just smile and say "I'll show you".
Without crossing the wrost situations. No one can touch the best corner of life.Dar 2face any situation. Try hard to Achiv high in life.
Don't be afraid of shadows, they just mean there's a light shining somewhere near.
nothing is impossible in this world,because impossible always says i m possible
Success cannot come easily. It comes your proper and perfect effort. So utilize ur knowledge, talent and also effort.
Locks are never manufactured without a key...Similarly GOD never gives problems without solutions..only we need to have patience to unlock them...
Don't Think You are Nothing.Don't Think You are Everything.But Think You are Something.ThenU Can Achieve Anything.
Nice inspiring quote:" Every new idea is a joke,until 1 man achieves it..& every new thought is silly,until u try & belive it.."
Achieving Ur goal is like trying 2 touch a Star.If U cannot touchkeep trying.If Ur hardwork is true.1 day d Star will fall on Earth 4 U!
When you want more time to take correct decision than remember,"Even a correct decision is wrong when it is too late..
Door Knocks Twice.Insider Asks: Who's There?Ans: Its Me, OPPORTUNITY.Insider: U R Wrong. 'Coz OPPORTUNITY Never Knocks Twice.Remember It!!
Dont place Ur mistakes on Ur head,Its weight may crush U down instead place them under Ur feet & USE it as A platform 2 view New horizons,
Ever great dream begins with a dreamer.Always remember,you have within you the strength,the patience,and the passion to reach for the stars to change
Every success makes you grow strong,Bcoz it teaches you what to do,But every failure makes you stronger,Bocz it also teaches you what not to do..
The Tiger Takes A Step Back Before It Jumps ForwardSo Whenever Life Pulls You Back,Don't Worry Its Going To Lead You To A Great Victory.
Golden words of success:See the clock only when you have no work,don't see the clock when you are working..clock is a lock for success...
a river cuts the rock, not bcoz of its power but becose of its consistency. so never lose your hope& keep walking towards the target.
sea is common for all,some take pearls,some take fishes & someone comes out with just wet legs,world is common to all but we get what we try for..
Between yesterday's "mistake" and "tomorrow's" hope there is a fantastic opportunity called today...!Live it...Love it...The day is yours.
Tension is d poison of AmbitionSo no more TensionHv full Attension on ur AmbitionU will b in gud position.
Success is nothing more thana few simple DISCIPLINES practiced daily.and failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily
Problem is just distance betwen expectation & reality. so either expect less & accept the reality. or expect a lot & turn it into a reality.
There has never yet been a man in our history who led a life of ease whose name is worth remembering
Every successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending so accept the pain and get ready for success.
A famous sentence written on a japanese bus stop.."only bus will stop here not your time...So keep walking towards your goal...
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