What is a friend?
He looks out for you,
inspires you,
laughs with you,
cries with you,
understands you,
guides you and walks with you.
That’s what a friend is.
A friend is someone, who upon seeing another friend in immense pain, would rather be the one experiencing the pain than to have to watch their friend suffer.
A rose say:I love you
A smile say:I like you
A ring say:I marry you
But my small sms say: I will never forget you
That's our friendship...............................................
so many hands in 1 tiffin box
so many friends on 1 bench
so may calls on 1 b'day nite
so many tears for i litte fight
friends r best part of life
preserve them!!!
Always tell someone wat u feel,
means what u say and say what you mean
bcoz opportunities are lost in a blink of an eye,
but regrets can last a lifelong
In life, we meet a lot of people,
make friends with few
in those few
some touch our life
in such a way that
their presence is felt
in their absence…!
Crazy days and screwed up nights,
Tons of Crushes and stupid fights,
Secrets we will take to the grave,
Pictures we will forever save,
Through thicks and things,
Always true.
*FRIENDS forever, me n U*
Friendship is not an exam to Pass or Fail.
Friendship is not a compitition to win or lose.
Its feeling in which you care for someone more than yourself.
Friendship is a little more truth and a little less lie, a little more We and a little less I, a little more LAUGH and a little less cry, Friendship is simply U and I.