JAN- Ki Dhoop Ho
FEB- Ki Barish Ho
MAR- Ki Shaam Ho
APR- Ki Bahar Ho
MAY- Ki Subha Ho
JUN- Ki Chaa'on Ho
JUL- Ki Khushbu Ho
AUG- Ki Taaro'n Bhari
Raat Ho
SEP- Ki Chandni Ho
OCT- Ki Rimjhim Ho
NOV- Ki Hawa Ho
DEC- Ki Sard Raat Ho
Sumtymz We Think Of
Why Frndz Keep 4wrdng Msgs To Us Widout Speakng Words ?
The Reason Is Dat, Daily They Have Nothing To Say
Still Want To Keep In Touch (:
Things will change frm classroom to office, books to files,jeans to formals, pockt money to salry, Girlfriend to wife.... what will not change is YAARAN DI YAARI
Some friends are remembered becoz of their smile. Some friends are remembered because of their style. But you are remembered because you are so nice to remember