Wonder Why Axe Made A Deo With A Chocolate Smell In It..?? :/...........................Now Only Fat Girls Are Coming Near To Me..!! ;)
* Ultimate *My Feelings For YouNo Words Can Describe,Except For May Be........" G0 T0 HELL "
GuessThe Minimum AreaWith Maximum Number0f Colour Paints. . . ? ? ?........GIRLS FACE . .
I Have ManyProposals For GettingRICH,All I Need Is The Time.........To Look At The EmailsIn Spam Box . . .
Best Definition 0fS t u d y i n g......The Act 0fFacebooking,EatingnWatching T.VWith An 0pen Text BookNearby. . .
There Are LessonsIn Life That CannotBe Taught In SchoolThat's WhyThere Is...............F A C E B O O K .
If people say somethingabout you, judge you . . .Do not get affected!...Remember:"Dogs don't bark if they knowthe person . . ." =PA t T i T u D eP e R s 0 n ! f ! e D...
Definition Of A Happy Couple :HE Does What SHE Wants AndSHE Does What SHE Wants...;):-)
Looking at your text bookand thinking........................"What A Waste 0f Trees.
A Quiet Man,Is A Thinking Man.A Quiet Woman,Is UsuallyMad.. =
Bad News For TheMusic Lovers ! ! !............Justin BieberWas Found Alive In HisApartment This Morning. . .
The fnuny tnihg abuottihs sms is tahteevn tohugh all thewrods are msesed upyou can sitll raed it ...
Facebook FactEvery 0ne Makes AnAccount For FriendshipAnd Then Becomes...Addicted To Collect"LIKES" . . . =
Don't Make Me MADThenTell Me To CALM DOWN. . .That's LikeSTABBING SomeoneAnd Asking Them WhyThey're BLEEDING ...
Awkward:Your Cell PhoneGoing 0ff Full VolumeAt A Funeral. . . =/...Even More Awkward:Your Ringtone Being,"I Will Survive" =
Boredom Tip(It works truly):...Go into a clothing store&Get into a changing room.Wait a while,Then shout,-----"THERE'S NO TOILET PAPERIN HERE!!"
- Height of Disappointment -Using Dial-Up Connection 0nYour PC In The Age 0f 3G...AndCompleting Your Tea BeforeINTERNET EXPLORER LoadsA Simple Static Web-page .
I felt kinda sadSitting in a restaurant aloneEating lunch,ThenI saw a couple with 6 kidsAndI felt awesome
Dear Teacher,If I don't put my hand upIt meansI don't want to answerthe question,...So don't bother picking me.Sincerely,Student... =
" C R U S H E S "Would Be A Lot Less Fun . . .If You Didn't Have" B E S T - F R I E N D S"To Talk About Them
'*' U l T i M a T e '*''*' F a C t '*'" If It Were Not ForThomas Edison,...We Would All BeWatching TelevisionIn The Dark . .
Dear Facebook,Stop Being Like MyParentsAndSuggesting People For MeTo Be Friends With. . . =PSincerelyUs ...
We"The Non-Toppers"Are More Experienced Than"The Toppers"Because...Toppers FAIL To FEELHow It FEELS To FAIL . .B.B.A(Back Benchers Association)
A Heart Touching Message............"We NeedSix Months VacationTwice A Year.
~ A Fact 0f Life ~FEMALE'S CRITERIA FORLIFE PARTNER . . ....They Expect Their MEN ToLook Like "Mr. UNIVERSE"AndWork Like "RAMU KAKA. .
Win A BLACKBERRY,A CAR,0rA HOUSE In DUBAI...Use A Sharp 0bject ToScratch Here¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Please Do This Now. .
Just Because We HaveThe Same Last NameDoesn't MeanWe Have To Be'' Facebook Friends ''........................DAD ....
I Do Give The WaitersA Good Tip.......ButThey Never Seem ToTake 0r AppreciateMy Advice . .
The Speed At WhichA Woman Says"N0THING"When Asked" WHAT'S WRONG...?"...Is Inversely Proportional ToThe Severity 0f The Coming"S T 0 R M" ...
Facebook Skype:Now Married People CanCheat Via SkypeWhile Watering Their Crops0n FarmVille ..
Showing 841 - 870 of 5211