N o t h i n g
I n
T h e
W o r l d
I s
M o r e
E x p e n s i v e
T h a n
H a v i n g
G i r l f r i e n d
W h o' s
T o t a l l y
F r e e
O n
W e e k e n d
Last night, I wanted you, needed u so badly it hurt. I wanted to taste you, wanted you inside me so you could work your magic on me... but I couldn't find you...... you stupid asprin
newtons law of luv:
every boy on earth is attracted towrds a girl wid a force propotionalto beauty of girl and inversly prpotionl to strenghth of her brothers
love is d second mistake of god.....
women r first one...
bt wat d fact and similarity batwin both is
that ...........
If i born as cloth,
I will decorate ur body..
If i born as flower,
I will decorate ur hair..
If i born as hair,
I will touch ur chick n kiss..
If i born as shoe,
I will be ur slave on ur legs..
Wat to do,
I born as GIRL,
Cant even be close to ur shadow..
grls life...like dogs.
school time paltu kutti.
cllge time awara kutti.
service time khujli wale kutti.
marriage time wafadar kutti.
budape me faltu kutti