If you do NOT have a Girl Friend - You are missing SOME thing in your life. If you HAVE a Girl Friend - You are missing EVERY thing in your life.
Why does not law permit a man to marry a second woman? Because as per law You cannot be punished twice for the same offence.
Guess what is most amazing about Human being’s TOUNGE It takes 3Years to learn, how to use it But a Life Time to Learn WHERE & WHEN to USE it
Height of disappointment : A woman finding out AFTER Long search on net that..... Phillip's 21 inch was actually a TV.??
Birdy birdy in the sky dropped a poopy in my eye, I don't worry I don't cry, I'm just happy that cows can't fly!
Q. What do Ethiopians and Yoko Ono have in common? A. They both live off dead Beatles.
What do you call a blonde with half a brain? Gifted.
if u get less mesages from me, do not think that i did not care for u, but i m searching for the best message for a best person like u!
What do you get when you offer a blonde a penny for her thoughts? Change.
Why do blondes write TGIF on their shoes? Toes Go In First.
Every Man needs a beautiful wife, intelligent wife, caring wife, loving wife, sexy wife, adjusting & cooperative wife, but it’s sad that law allows only one wife.
I love i love you i love you i love you and other alphbates to.
Interviewer : Give Me The Opposite Words Banta:Ok Interviewer : Made In India Banta : Destroyed In Pakistan!!
A: Did you hear that a baby was fed on elephant's milk and gained twenty pounds in a week. B: That's impossible. Whose baby? A: An elephant's.
Most people have 5 senses. Some people have 6 senses. But u r blessed with 7 senses. An extra sense is NON SENSE.
A: Doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the operation? B: Yes, of course. A: Great! I never could before!
Ghajani effect A Boy opens his tiffin box on the road? He wanted to check, Whether he was going 2 school or coming back
Teacher: How can we get some clean water? Student: Bring the water from the river and wash it.
Luv ur job but don't luv ur Company coz u may nt knw when ur company stops loving u.
Q: When does the (English) alphabet have only 25 letters? A: At Christmas time, because it is the time of Noel. (No L)
Height of Flirting: Writing a love letter with the title as 'To Whom So Ever It May Concern'
Q: Where do you find giant snails? A: On the ends of their fingers. (Giants' nails.)
A depresed Boy askd Swami Vivekanand:'Can der b nething Worst dan losing a girlfrnd'.He replied:'yes,losing ur confidence of getting another
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccchhi Xcuse me .. Sorry to disturb U plz cary on with ur work.
Have i done anything wrong? Then y r u avoiding me? Atleast remember me once in a week. It really hurts me. WITH LOVE, TOOTH BRUSH.
Funny abbrevation of some finanacial terms. BSE = Bombay Se Exit NSE = Nation Se Exit F/O = Future Over NIFTY = No Income For This Year FII = Fraud International I
If A Baby Is Born In AFRICA, What Will Be The Colour Of The Babies Teeth? ? ? You Fool.! A New Born Baby Dont Hav Teeth...
1 of the most funniest and shortest joke u ever heard . . . . . . . . . . . . . Next year Pakistan will export electricity!! :-D
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