Question:-DUNIYA ka sabse bada aur khatrnaak jaadu kahan hota hai?Nahi pata!!!!??Ans:..Beauty parlor me..!!
Agar preshani ka talluq dimag se he to heart attack Q hota heOr Agar pyar ka talluq Dil se he to pyar me log Pagal Q ho jate hai
V Pronounce 22 as TwentyTwo, 33 as Thirty Three,44 as FortyFour,55 as FiftyFive, Why not 11 as OnetyOne?Doubt By last bench asociation...
Wat is d Biggest Benefit of having a crush in d same college where u study ?.........................100% Attendence... :-P
teachers to students students if there will be no electricity then how will u watch t.vstudents said by burning the candle.
Question of the dayWorld Me Esa Konsa Writer He Jo Kabi Khud Nhi Likhta?.Socho....or Socho...Ans:Type-Writer
There are some fools in this world who always reply no for every question we ask....Now you tell me are you such a person ??
Yarr Ek baat batao...1+1=2+2=4+4=8+8=...In sab sawalo ka jawab plus k bajay - karne par 0 kyo aata hai?
If Child Labour Is A Crime.........Then Why Teacher GivesHomework ??
Why do we sometimes write 'etc' at the end in the exam?bcoz it means...E-End ofT-thinkingC-capacity.
Time for pj:What do u say if petrol is leakiNg from Maruti car..?ThiNk thiNk...Ok let me tell..MARUTI SUSU.Ki
Wht is the Diff b/wYoung Age & Old Age?*Simple..In Young Age Phone Is Full Of Darlings Numbers..In Old AgeIts Full of Doctors Numbers..!-
Why Do Students Sleep For Long Hours..??Fantastic Answer Said By Students.......'Our Dreams R Always BIG'!
What is the diff.between"GHAZAL" &"LECTURE"?Every word spoken by the girlfriend is "GHAZAL"andEvery word spoken by wife is "LECTURE"
What will be the girl's name born on 1st of APRIL? Guess Guess Guess Guess "FOOLAN DEVI..
"Why is Facebook such a hit?It works on the principle that-''People are more interested in others life than their own-!
Difference between rain in INDIA and DUBAI:In Dubai after rain,water disappears in 5 mins.In india after rain,the road disappears in 5 mins...!
Q: wadz most colourful thing except rainbow? a: its a smiling negro wearin a red shirt n yellow pant with ornage umbrella standin on a green grass under da blue sky
Why Is The Mind Of A WomanCleaner Than that Of A Man's? ......Because..She Keeps Changing It All The Time.!!!
How to Create d Biggest Doubt in ur Wife's Mind 4 u??????Just Suddenly send her SMS Saying.."I Luv u too"..GAME OVER.!
Wats d diff btwn Pongal n idly?think.think..think...U ll get a holiday for pongal but not for idly.
When do you knw ur in love?Ans. When you start searching for the cheapest mobile plan.
When There Iz A Long Gap B/w Engagement And Marriage, "Who Is Most Benefited??""BOY..?"NO...!"GIRL..?"NO...!..."Its The Mobile Company"
Patient: Doctor, what does the X-ray of my head show? Absolutely nothing!
A Ques Asked In A Talent Test:If You Are Married To 1 Of The Twin Sisters, How wud You Recognize Your WIFE?The Best Answer- Why d Hell Should I recognise?
Q: Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?A: You have to hollow out the head.
Trick of WeakDo you Want To Make A Call Without Reduce Balance From Ur Phone?ya ?Then Make That Call From Any Other Phone!
Peak of OptimismIntrviwr:If Earth starts rotating 30 times faster, then wat'll happen?Candidte:V'll get Salary everyday!Express Urself Smartly
What is the height of confusion? Two earth worms Playing HIDE AND SEEK in a Plate full of noodles.
Why does d bride & groom xchange garlands at d time of wedding..... B'coz they say each affectionately that : "DARLING NOW U R DEAD"...........
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