Good Friday Wishes and Status Messages - Page 2

Good Friday Wishes Wishes on Page 2 of 1
Viewed: All time: 23596 times, Week: 10 times
Updated 8 years ago
8 Years Ago | 2 shares | By Rajiv Dhiman # 115

May on this GOOD FRIDAY we start it with
Fasting and Prayers so that we can bring
God’s mercy and forgiveness on all mankind

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Saurabh # 15

He showed us the way
He haz long been gone
And yet in our hearts
His name shines on….
Wish u a Holy Friday!

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anju # 41

I am da witness
2 his fearless death.
I am a token of his
last promise -
I am da CROSS
Blessings on Good Friday

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rishi # 66

When u face problems in life
don’t ask GOD to take them away
Ask Him to show His purpose
Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By [email protected] # 121

Praying dat da Lord
Holds u in His Luv
And blesses u wid
His grace… on dis
Holy Day & always!

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Shiba # 79

Mercy, Pleace & Luv
May da grace & Lord…
surround u & b wid u
on Good Friday

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Kankambari # 122

Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus
The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice.
He took our guilt and blame upon Himself
So we could be with Him in paradise.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anurag # 106

I am da witness 2 his fearless death
I am a token of his last promise – 4giveness
I am da CROSS Blessings on Good Friday….

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