Good Morning Wishes and Status Messages - Page 5

Good Morning Wishes Wishes on Page 5 of 91
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Updated 6 years ago
6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Breakfast is only worth having when you make it for me. Missing you so much
Good Morning Love

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Have a hearty good breakfast before u do anything to begin your day..
Good Morning..!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Eat some breakfast and turn the world around.
Good Morning lovely people

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

I’d like mornings better, only if my mornings started with you by my side and coffee on my table.
Good Morning Sweetheart..

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Jump out of the bed each morning and remind yourself "I can do this"
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Do good and forget about it .. It will grow someday and come back to you..
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

I would have smashed my alarm clock this morning but then I realised it's my cellphone..
Good Morning Peeps..

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

With great powers comes great responsibility.. Live up to them and shine like the sun
Good Morning..

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Your excursion will be significantly lighter and less demanding provided you don't carry your past with you.
Have a Good Morning.. . !

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Seize the moment my dear.. Every morning is special.. Have a good one
Good Morning dear friend

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Chin up, Sweets
You're amazingly great..
Have a Good Morning ..!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 2 # 183

Stop focussing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 2 # 183

Smiles are great investments, the more you collect the better you feel
Good Morning!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 2 # 183

Be happy with nothing and you will be happy with everything
Good Morning!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Every morning is a new birth for us. What matters the most is what we do today..
Good Morning..!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Laugh.. Love.. Make merry..
A day without all of these is a day wasted
Good Morning lovely people..

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Each morning is a gift from God. If you want your dreams to come true, wake up and go for it..
Good Morning..!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Regardless of how great or terrible the situation is, get up every morning and be grateful that you still have one

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Happiness is.. . buying new clothes every morning..

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Thank God for all the lessons you've learnt . Be ready for the future.
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Good Morning.!
Hope you have a day as lovely as you yourself are ..

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Thank God for another day. Don’t waste it!
Choose to shine..

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Make today ridiculously amazing..
Good Morning!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Happy thoughts are the only cure for a sleepy morning.. and I feel the happiest when I think about you my love!

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

I wish you a Meowtain of happiness
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

It's an ideal opportunity to rise and sparkle! Take a full breath, put on a wide smile. What's more, now prepare to toe the line!
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

On the off chance that you wake up and it's not bright outside with clear, blue skies, Always remember you have what it takes to create your own sunny lookout on life.
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Morning happens whether you need it to or not, regardless of whether it will be an awesome one is totally up to you.
Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Each morning brings a new opportunity, Every morning brings a new bright side , So take each day as a brand new day.
Hope you have a dazzling one today!

Good Morning

6 Years Ago | 0 shares | By 3 # 13

Instead of rushing out the door, stop and appreciate the seemingly insignificant things; the easily overlooked details that can have a big impact and lead to an amazingly super day!

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