The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams wid reality..BUT the permanent defeat of life comes when v surrender our dreams to d Reality..Gud mrng.
Many frnds will come into life just as rain on earth,but only some will take the best place like the drop which fortunately becomes a pearl.N thts U!GUD MRNG
Any1 can make mistakes,dat's y pencils hav erasers!No1 can walk alone,dat's y shadow moves along!nNo1 can stay alone,dat's y friendz come along!I.gud mrn
life is not an i-pod to listen to ur favorite is a radio , u must adjust urself 2 every frequency enjoy what ever comes in it .gud mrng.......
Look Outside It's So Pleasent ! Sun Smiling For You ! Trees Dancing For You Wind Singing For You ! Because, I have told them all To Wish You Good Morning.
Open your eyes so the Sun can Rise, Flowers can Blossom, Birds can Sing, as all r waiting to see, Beautiful Smile at your face and say Have a Happy Day