Night is longer than day for those who DREAM and day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true. Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!!
To the people who love you, you are beautiful already. This is not because they’re blind to your shortcomings but because they so clearly see your soul. Your shortcomings then dim by comparison. The people who care about you are willing to let you be imperfect and beautiful too....
Dad is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed and has faith in you even when you fail. Happy Father's Day...
Work For A Cause
Not For Applause
Live Life To Express
Not To Impress
Don’t Strive To Make
Your Presence Noticed
Just Make Your
Absence Felt.....
Have a nice day!!
Respect the emotions in someone's heart, rather than the expressions on someone's face. Because expression is just a formality but emotions are reality...
To love someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart & to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other go if you can’t do this...
Looks may capture the eyes but it’s the personality that captures the heart. You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see. You can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel.
If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, but a transaction that never fails to lay stress on plus and a minus...
With that ring I gave you my heart. I promised from that day forward, you would never walk alone, my heart would be your shelter and my arms would be your home. Happy Anniversary!!!
The way you love me
The way you touch my life
I wish the journey should never end till I die.
Thanks for making the day special in my life.
Happy Anniversary!!
Hope you have an amazing day
And may this be the start of a year
Filled with love, joy and happiness.
Stay strong, stay positive
And may all your dreams continue to come true..
Best Wishes on your birthday and always!
Happy Birthday!!!
A perfect gift for you
Absolutely no cost
No batteries required
Silent Performance
Extremely personal
Fully returnable
It's smile from me to you on your birthday.
Happy Birthday!!!
Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible...
When one door closes another door opens but we so often look so long & so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us..
For all the laughter and smiles,
For all the happiness and good times,
For listening & caring,
Loving and sharing,
For your strong shoulders,
And kind heart
Love You!!
Millions of greetings
Thousands of colours
Hundreds of wishes
And lots of smiles
That's what I ask God to give you throughout your life!
Happy Birthday.....
Life has its Ups and Downs,
Sometimes the sun shines,
Sometimes the rain lashes,
But then it takes both the Sun and Rain to make a Rainbow.
Have a Great Day!!
Darkness is everywhere, the birds are back to homes.
Roads are quite, everybody is sleeping .
But I am not, you know why?
Just wanted to say you Good Night. Sweet Dreamz!!
Real friends are not those who are always around when everything’s almost perfect. They’re the ones who dig deep when you’re down just to pull you up and say everything’s gonna be alright.
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do as hate in your heart will consume you too.