May you begin this day with a smile on your face, And with happiness for your soul to embrace. Good Morning!
Praying that the Lord holds you in his love And bless you with his grace on this holy day Good Friday!!!!
Accept my warmest wishes for you this Baisakhi May you have a beautiful year ahead.
May Wahe Guruji accept your good deeds And bring all the years full of love & contentment. I wish you a very Happy Baisakhi.
May the divine mercy of Lord Jesus, Come upon your home and family on this Good Friday!!!
Offering a humble prayer to heavenly father My lord shower his blessings to the whole world. Good Friday!!!
Some people believe that Bread baked on Good Friday will never rot!!!
There are some that say, Eggs laid on Good Friday will never go bad!!
The Lord lights up our way into eternal bliss. Good Friday!!!!!
May you harvest all the fruits of your hard work from the previous year. Happy Baisakhi!!
May you come up as bright as sun, As cool as water, as sweet as honey, Hope this Baisakhi fulfills all your desires and wishes. Happy Baisakhi!
I want my eyes to be your eyes so you could see how wonderful you are. I want my heart to be your heart so you could feel how much you mean to me I want my ear to be your ear so you could hear me whisper. I Love You Forever.
Love is not finding someone to live with its finding someone you can't live without.
Hope my message tone wakes you up for the day. Good Morning! to the sleeping beauty.
Little keys can open big locks Simple words can express great thoughts I hope my simple pray can make your life great Happy Mahavir Jayanti!
Quick! blow the candle And make your wish May the flame of joy Never blow out of your life.
Feel good when somebody miss you, Feel better when somebody Loves you, But feel best when somebody never forgets you.
May Lord Mahavir Bless you abundantly And fill your life with the virtue of truth, Non violence & external compassion. Happy Mahavir Jayanti
Let's pray for peace and harmony for all human kind on this auspicious day. Happy Mahavir Jayanti!
April Fools Day is the perfect day to confess your undying love for someone, If they don't feel the same, you can just yell - trolled you!
A word to say, a word to hear Even in your absence I feel you near Our relation is strong..hope it goes long we will remain the same till the life goes on!
On April Fools Day, The whole world celebrates, Your name, your fame, Your personality, your thoughts & views. Congratulation!
April Fools Day is the perfect day to say everything horrible, You've wanted to say to people and then pretend it's a joke.
We can really be one of the cutest couple of the world, and can create milestones.
We share life secrets, coffee, Happy moments, sad days, And everything we own, May this sharing and caring lasts forever.
Sending across these lovely flowers to say, I care for you and any time you need me, I'll always be there for you.
Just the thought of you, Brightens up my morning. Good Morning!
From morning, first light to evening Last star always remember How special you are. Good Morning!
Beautiful Tomorrow never comes,When it comes,It's already TODAY,In the hunt of beautiful Tomorrow don't waste ur wonderful TODAY..Mornie:)
I Enjoy Hanging Out with People that make me Forget to look at my Phone..
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