One half of our heart always knows that some wishes would never come true, Still the second half waits for the magic and miracles to happen !! Good Morning!!
Morning is nature's way of saying: "Live life one-more time, make a difference, touch one heart, encourage one mind and inspire one soul".. Good Morning!!
We always work for a better tomorrow,
But when tomorrow comes,
Instead of enjoying,
We again think of a better tomorrow..
Let's have a better today...Good Morning!
Hope you wake up today with sunlight in your heart,
success in your path, answers to your prayers and smile that will always be there in your eyes. Good morning!!
Dear teacher,
Your inspiring words have made a difference in my life,
Thanks for making me what I am today,
Sending my warm wishes and hoping that you have a lovely Teacher's Day.
Dear Teacher, Thank You
For continually inspires me to do my best
You helped me strive for goals,
I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love,
Everything in one person,
And that person is you..
Happy Teacher's Day!!!