Holi Quotes Wishes and Status Messages

Holi Quotes Wishes Wishes
Viewed: All time: 7358 times, Week: 0 times
Updated 10 years ago
10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sangeeta # 138

Time to soak in the freshness of Spring HOLI is here let the colors pour in.

10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Shantanu # 58

If wishes come in rainbow colors
then I would send
the brightest one to say
Happy Holi..:)

10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Navi Shrivastava # 4

On this Joyuous day sending you warm wishes May fun filled exciting moments be with YOU HaPpY hOl

10 Years Ago | 2 shares | By sharad Tingane # 3831

Colors of life,
Colors of joy,
Clolors of Happiness,
Colors of frienship,
Colors of love & all the colors u want to paint in ur life. "Happy Holi"

10 Years Ago | 3 shares | By Rajeev Kumar # 330

May God spray colours of success, prosperity and logitivity over you and your family & fill your each moment with love and happiness.
"Happy Holi"

10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rajeev Kumar # 330

Let the colours of holi stir vibrant hues of joys and blessings in ur life!! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Holi..:-)

10 Years Ago | 3 shares | By Rajeev Kumar # 330

With the blast of colours and water,
Wishing u all a very happy Holi,
May god give all, prosperity, love peace and joy.

"Happy Holi"

10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rajeev Kumar # 330

I may not put colors on ur face in this colorful festival I'm praying God to add more and more colors in ur beautiful life
Happy Holi

10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rajeev Kumar # 330

May d fire of holi purify ur heart,
May d colours of holi colour ur life,
May d sweets of holi sweeten d journey of ur life.

I wish ur and ur family very Happy Holi..!!

10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Navi Shrivastava # 4

May colours of Togetherness colours of Life colours of Spirituality colours of Friendship fill your life joy and fun Happy Holi

10 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Navi Shrivastava # 4

A Colourful Message,
to a colourful person,
for colourful day,
in a colourful way,
as a pray,
that the colourful ray,
may forever stay - Happy Holi

Top Contributors

Points Rank Wishes
Navi Shrivastava 1053 4 1053
sunil vasava 872 8 872
reian jain 854 10 854
Rana 508 40 508
Shantanu 497 58 497
Sangeeta 324 138 324
Rajeev Kumar 20 330 20
sharad Tingane 1 3831 1
m 1 5758 1
This category was added on 5/4/2018 10:26:36 AM, contains 16 SMS, images and status messages, was last last updated on 6/26/2022 6:49:24 AM, has 5 images, had 7358 visitors this month so far. Feel free to share these good, clean, happy Holi Quotes messages with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.