There''s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
Man says to his wife : Let me take a picture of your breasts, than I can always look at them. Wife : Let me take a picture of you penis, I will have it enlarged.
There are three girls in the sixth grade ... A blond a brown and a red. Who has the biggest boops ? ............ The blond because she already reached the age of 20!!!
Why is a woman 20.000 $ worth and a man only 2$? A woman has a milk factory, a mussel farm and a sawmill; a man a sausage, 2 bitterballs and a little pot of mayonnaise
Do you think I can live for another fourty years? ... Do you drink? ... No! ... Do you smoke? ... No! ... Do you visit the whores? ... No! ....... Why do you want to live another fourty years?
TC collects fine from gals without ticket. Girl in shortskirt fined Rs:60, backless Rs:40,in mini Rs:20 & 1girl fined Rs:0,How??
Dirty mind..
she had a ticket!!