Kids Birthday Wishes and Status Messages
Kids Birthday Wishes Wishes
Updated 7 years ago
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day.
May God bless you with health, wealth and prosperity in your life.
Happy Birthday
Birthday candles, birthday cake, Birthday song, and presents, too...Lots of birthday wishes For the birthday girl--that's you!
Hi, Sunshine! Have a bright and happy birthday!
A birthday means new dreams to dream, new thoughts to think, a whole new year, to try a million good things and you're just the girl to try them, to think them, to dream them. Happy Birthday
Choo, choo!
Here comes the Birthday Train Chug-chugging straight your way--
To bring you a great big birthday wish For a happy, fun-filled day!
Gul ko Ghulshan Mubarak..
Shair ko Shahiry Mubarak..
Chand ko Chandni Mubarak..
Ashiq ko uski Mehbooba Mubarak…
Hamari taraf se aap ko …
Naya Janam Din Mubarak
Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings now,
As your birthday nears.
Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.
Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.
Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
'Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!'
Birthday girl, today's your day! Time to eat cake, sing songs, and play! There are so many ways to have birthday fun--Here's hoping you get to do every one!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Lovely msg for a Lovely Person
from Lovely Friend
For a Lovely Reason
at a Lovely Time
from a Lovely Mind
in a Lovely Mood
in a Lovely Style
to wish you
Have a Lovely Birthday
A lovely 'birthday princess' with such enchanting ways deserves the royal treatment on her special day of days!
May Your Every Birthday Wish Come True!
The child was born,
parents were blessed
i am so lucky to have u
as my friend.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday to my love!
A sea around my heart:
Part shelter, part enduring word,
Part mirror of my art.
You are the calm that drains my rage,
Bliss upon my shores,
Immensity immutable,
Rush that life restores.
To you I wish to be a welcome
Harbor for your ocean,
Destiny and origin,
Aim of your affection,
Yearning of your motion.
Hot Diggity!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to a real soccer fan! And's OK to touch the cake with your hands!
Birthdays come just once a year--So have fun when your birthday's here!
Happy Birthday
It's your birthday! Have a great big BITE of FUN!
Happy Birthday!
Hope you're wearing your best BIRTHDAY SMILE all day long!
Smiley and Happy Cool and Shiny Sweet and Groovy Wishes all for You! Happy Birthday
For a Cool Kid!
It's birthday time again, and WOW!
You're a whole year older now!
So clown around and have some fun
To make this birthday your best one!
Happy Birthday from one cool another.
Dizzy Bee's a busy bee,
As anyone can plainly see--His job is buzzzzzing wishes to Happy Birthday kids like you!
Happy 'B' Day!
A home run, a touchdown, a basket, a goal Here's hoping your day is out of control!
Happy Birthday!
A riddle for your birthday--
What kind of cereal do cats eat for breakfast?
Mice crispies.
Happy Birthday
It's your birthday, and you know what that means--
You're another year older and another year cooler. Have 365 Days of Fun!
It's your day to celebrate! It's your day to cheer! Now you can eat more birthday cake Than you could hold last year! Now you can laugh louder And enjoy it even more--'Cause this is a bigger birthday Than you've ever had before!
Happy Birthday
May God fill your birthday with smiles and happiness, and may you always know you are one of His special children!
Happy a boy who's a real all-star!
Nothing beats a birthday!
Happy Birthday
Wishing you way too much birthday!
HAve a great day.. .