Everything in life cant make u happy. Everything in a day cant be satisfied. But their is one thing which makes u feel nice i.e. care for u in some1's eyes.
Life is Funny n twisted, sometime u laugh, sometime u cry...but as long as I'm Ur partner, I'll always b on Ur lips as a smile rather than a tear in Ur eye..
God created someone who is Wise, & who Only knows to love & Make sacrifices.. One who Encourages & one who Never gives up.. In short, God created WOMEN... Wishing u a very HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY!! :-)
The biggest fact of life:"You are remembered only when u r needed" As it goes in the sayin "A candle comes to mind only during powercut" Very true bt fact...
Happiness is not a destination,it's a journey.Happiness is not tomorrow,it is now.Happiness is not a dependency,it is a decision.Happiness is what u are, not what u have.
Letting go of your old self and the process of letting the new you emerge can be one of the scariest experiences in your life. But by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, it might just reveal what you are truly capable of becoming.
Sweetest part in life is to carry all the memories in life but the toughest part is to stay away from the person who is behind all those memories... :)
Life teaches you to love and also teaches you to cry. It may be ironical but its true that you can`t know the value of precious relations until they make you cry.
Life is a journey that is not meant to be made safely. I want to live my life in a way that when I get really old, I look back at my life and say: "Aah I lived it, not survived it."
life is beautyful admire it, life is a duty, complete it. life is a struggle, accept it. life is a challenge, meet it, life is what you make it, so start today.
Be happy and smile always no one knows when some one feels releived from worries seeing ur smile. Be happy as there is lot to njoy in life then being sad for nothing.
Nothing is old, nothing is new.. It just a matter of point of view.. Enjoy life as happy days r few.. Coz if life is an ocean then happy moments r like dew.. :-)