I hv tried to move on but with every guy I feel more & more like I''ll never be able to replace u. And the sad thing is... I know I hv already been replaced
A part of U has grown in me. And so u see, it''s U & Me together forever & never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart
i dont want to turn around and find u gone u i wanna cry and want u to wipe away my tears i want u to hold me around my waist abd whisper in my ear dat u love me ! i want you with me forever...
Blue is d color of Poison...
Red is d color of Fire....
Green is d color of Nature...
Black is d color of Mourning...
White is d color of Peace...
But no colors of love.All these color makes love&
love is always colorful..I LOVE U.......
May the spring of your love be tender and sweet, the summer be rich and fulfilling and deep, the autumn be warm and rewarding, complete, and always... let there be love.
God''ll not give u a burden u can''t handle. So, if u find urself in a mess that''s impossible to resolve, take it as a compliment-God thinks u can do it! Gud Morning
There r 3 chambers in my HEART. 1 for papa. 1 for maa. 1 4 God. Oh! what abt u my frnd?
Sorry no place 4 u in my heart...
... coz frendz r my heartbeat
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love.
It''s funny how big of an impact u hv on me. It''s like when I see u, u don''t even hv to speak all u can do is smile & it can make my day & that''s how I remember my reasons 4 loving u
Dedicate time to enjoy, it''s the secret of youth. Dedicate time for friends, it''s the path to happiness. Dedicate time to luv n b loved, it''s source of joy n satisfaction