if my heart breaks in2 thousands of pieces,i want u 2 hav evry bit of it, den scater dm acros the sky. There,deyl trn in2 stars so evry1 cud c hw mch i care 4u
a boy ws aBout 2 leave, bt b4 he did, he gave his Girl a dozen roses. 11 r real & 1 s artificial & he told d Girl,"dnt cry, i wil love u until d last 1 dies.."
i thought dat if i tried 2 stay away, id learn 2 let you go & forget, but i was wrong. The more i stayed away from you,the more i realized how much i love you.
Nvr cling 2 a lost love 4 u cn alwyz find another. 2 truly luv is 2 find d courage 2 walk away &let go of d 1 who wishes to be free, no mater hw much it hurts
Love doesnt seek whats not there.`Love accepts all pains 2 bear.`Love that doesnt die`is love that we cant see.`Love is just waiting`so please just wait 4 me.
if evr u find urself n luv wid sum1 els,jz thnk of me 4 d lst tym & 4get me. & f evr u find urself in luv w/ d 1 u admire, jz make sureb× she luvs u mor dan i did
i try 2 take d pain away`by findin sum1 new,`bt dn i came 2 realyz`no1 cmpares 2u`&evn f i luk around`pretndin nt 2cry`il alwyZ go bak d day`u finaly sed gudby
miles & tym cnt stp wt we hv. ts a bond dt lsts aftr evrytn els n my lyf hs gone wrng.we myt b bth bc doin wt we hv2do, bt f evr ul nid me, il alwys b arnd 4uÜ
B4 i go to sleep, u knw wht i do? i think of u & whn its my lucky nyt, i dream of u. i dnt wana wake up bcoz whn i do, u know what? i just start missing you
People continue to love`in spite of the pain, tears and heartbreak.`Maybe because PaiN made them stronger,`TeaRS made them braver`& HeaRTBReaK made them wiser.
it''s difficult to find someone like you, it''s like opening a hundred shells under the sea to find one pearl, but finding you makes the dive worthwhile.
Love not out of NeeD but out of the aBUNDaNCe of the heart.`Don''t seek for someone who will fill your HeaRT, rather seek for someone whose heart you can FiLL.
its a nice feelin whn sum1 u luv luvs u in return. So whn u knw d 1 u luv has special feelings 4 u, nvr let dem go coz its rare 2 find 2 hearts dat beat`as 1
Saying i luv u is important, but not enuf. Love is a verb, an action word. Sumtyms passive because it happens to us but also active because we choose to do it.
Whn ol d wishes in ur heart,ol d dreams uv evr had & ol d things uv always hoped 4 soar in2 the sky & r reflectd in some` elses eyes; den uv found ur destiny
its wrong 4 me 2 say dat i cnt liv w/o u coz i hav livd my lyf b4 i knew u.so instd of syin dat,id rder tel u dis... "i wud liv a betTr lyf..w/u by my side!"