If you have something to say,say it now; if you have something to give,give it now; if you have something to do, do it now; before its too late for she already found the courage of hearing it from someone else.
All men and women have an equal need for love. When these needs are not fulfilled it is easy to have our feelings hurt, for which we blame our partner.
We can cure physical diesases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love
An intimate relationship does not banish loneliness. Only when we are comfortable with who we are can we truly function independently in a healthy way, can we truly function within a realtionship. Two halves do not make a whole when it comes to a healthy relationship: it take two wholes.
At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear. It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us. You can love completely without complete understanding.