Love is a precious gift, which we receive from Jesus. Pure and holy affection is not a feeling, but a principle. Those who are actuated by true love are neither unreasonable nor blind.
When life gives you love, embrace it; take it in, make it every part of you, but don''t be too hasty, for haste can scare love away. Take it slow and let everything happen as it will. True loves lies in the future of those who follow this doctrine.
He who is in love is wise and is becoming wiser, sees newly everytime he looks at the object beloved, drawing from it with his eyes and his mind those virtues which it possesses.
True love, like many things, can only be seen in the eyes of the beholder. It cannot be jealous, proud, or anxious; it is what is found in the depths of your heart, and longs only for one who''s heart longs for the same things as your own.
True love begins, when you think more about the other person, then his or her reaction to you. When you dare to reveal yourself, and when you dare to be vulnerable.
True love is about honesty, sincerity, sharing and fairness. Always get to know each other''s needs. Just as you need qualifications to get a job, herein are the qualifications you must have to get love.
I never regret the chance I gave myself 2 know you. Coz now u''re a part of me that i''ll chersh till the end.I m happy having known you, hope you feel the same way too.
True love will never die if both partners have a strong enough desire to love with all their hearts, because they know, no matter what the price will be, it is always worth paying for just a second longer with the one you love.
When you find luv...Treasure it...
Take care of it...Be true to it...
Make good use of it...
Bcoz love comes unseen...
U can only see it?. when it''s gone...