Love Quotes Wishes and Status Messages - Page 67

Love Quotes Wishes on Page 67 of 92
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Updated 11 years ago
11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Pramod # 67

Every day I live I am more convinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used, the selfish prudence that will risk nothing and which, shirking pain, misses happiness as well.

Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Prem # 39

If there''s delight in love, ''Tis when I see that heart, which others bleed for, bleed for me.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Vibhu # 29

True love is the parent of humility.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Md # 53

Love is blind.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Awadhesh # 98

Men and women are not free to love decently until they have analyzed themselves completely and swept away every mystery from sex; and this means the acquisition of a profound philosophical theory based on wide reading of anthropology and enlightened practice.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Vibhu # 29

Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness, speak cheering words while their ears can hear, and while their hearts can be thrilled and made happier by them.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sachitendra # 118

Love is an alliance of friendship and animalism; if the former predominates it is passion exalted and refined; if the latter, gross and sensual.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rahul # 19

We love but once, for once only are we perfectly equipped for loving.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rishi # 66

Someday, after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness the energy of love; and for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Pramod # 67

Love makes the wildest spirit tame, and the tamest spirit wild.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Piyush # 27

Love, Arthur, is a poodle''s chance of attaining the infinite, and personally I have my pride.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sujit # 80

Love is a tyrant sparing none.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Monika # 35

Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anika # 70

Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Richa # 62

Can there be a love which does not make demands on its object?

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Raj # 45

Love touched her heart, and lo! It beats high, and burns with such brave hearts.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Charu # 81

Love is the extra effort we make in our dealings with those whom we do not like and once you understand that, you understand all. This idea that love overtakes you is nonsense. This is but a polite manifestation of sex. To love another you have to undertake some fragment of their destiny.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anurag # 106

The way to a woman''s heart is through your wallet.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Vikas # 84

To love a thing means wanting it to live.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Kunal # 31

''Tis said of love that it sometimes goes, sometimes flies; runs with one, walks gravely with another; turns a third into ice, and sets a fourth in a flame: it wounds one, another it kills: like lightning it begins and ends in the same moment: it makes that fort yield at night which it besieged but in the morning; for there is no force able to resist it.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Shubhdeep # 112

Love alone can unite living beings so as to complete and fulfill them... for it alone joins them by what is deepest in themselves. All we need is to imagine our ability to love developing until it embraces the totality of men and the earth.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Arjun # 33

Love - THE FEELING - is a fruit of love, the verb.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Bruttendu # 124

Love is shown in your deeds, not in your words.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anurag # 106

If we seek the pleasures of love, passion should be occasional, and common sense continual.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Naresh # 101

If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself; all that runs over will be yours.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anurag # 106

Many a man has fallen in love with a girl in light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Nitin Dhiman # 130

The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows, and the crimes of humanity, all lie in that one word ''''Love.'''' It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Jyotsana # 16

You can''t put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Kapil # 49

Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone -- but not the complete structure. It is much too pliable, too yielding.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Nitin Dhiman # 126

Love and war are the same thing, and stratagems and policy are as allowable in the one as in the other.

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