Repeated success makes a person arrogant.Repeated failures makes a person defeated, Repeated success and occnal failurs makes a person matured
When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way,you will command the attention of the world..
7Wondrful Couples of World7:Heart & Beat6:Rose & Love5:Night & Moon4:Music & Song3:Fish & Water2:Rain & Peacok &1:MY SMS & UR Smile.
Two bulls always fight in a person's mind....Good and Bad..Do you know which one wil win? "The One you Feed The Most.."
GOD askd,wat maksme Happy?he xpected me 2 sayWealth&Fame.But suddenly my cell beeped&Ur sms came.I smiled&said" this makesMe happy...
Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world. ...
The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing...
I've alwaz been afraid of losing people i cherish so much..But at times i keep asking myslf..Is there any1 who will b afraid of losing me too??
Truely said "once you accept someone for what they really r......they will really surprise you by being better than YOU ever expected....."
" Even the most powerful/successful person is weaker in front of the most happiest person in the world"Be Happy forever...
Your presence should not disturb anyone...but if your absence disturbs at least one then u are the luckiest one!!!
Love+Care+Hope="Maa"Dar+Prem+Respect="Papa"Play+Help="Brother&Sister"Sukh+Dukh="Wife"Above all+life="Friend
Emotion is the Most Precious Gift which God has given Human Beings, but it becomes the most dangerous gift, if we dont know how to handle it....:-)
Pearl of the day:Never show ur affection n care to any one in this world...Bcoz its human tendency 2 underestimate anything given free of cost...
" Everybody Knows How To Build A Beautiful House,..But Only Few Know How To Live Beautiful In D House "
It's better to bunk a class than to study throughly in class.Bcoz,Today when I Look Back.Marks never make me LAUGH.But Memories do...
most beautiful music in d world is ur own heart gives asurance dat u wil survive even wen whole world leaves u alone.
Some People Think that Black colour Is sentimentally Bad.But they Forget that Every " Black Board" makes the students Bright...
Making your mark on the world is hard,It takes patience,it takes commitment,and it comes with plenty of failure along the way..
"Prayer" is a free out going call to GOd.No Battery,No charging,No network problems always good signal,Endless talk time...So keep praying...
Difference between a corrupt & honest, the corrupt person has a price and a honest person has a value.
A Great & True Saying:"I love photos"..Bcoz,The best thing abt it is that.It never changes..Even,When the people in it change a lot.
Time never waits for anybody, Winds never require directions.It only depends on us how we use time & how we turn winds in our favour
If you never love someone or you are never loved by someone except ur parents in your life; take it granted that your value is zero.
Living in the favorable & non-favorable situations is just "Part of Working".But performing in all those situations is - "Art of Managing".
Never Waste Time For SomeoneWho Doesn't Even BotherWasting Time Just For You . . . BeWith Someone Who Will Say"Time Is Wasted If I M Not WithYou ..."...
Congrats! Our national anthem ''JAN GAN MANN'' is declared as d Best Anthem of d World by UNESCO.Pass it to all & be proud to be anINDIAN...
In the end, it's not goingto matter how manybreaths you took, but howmany moments took yourbreath away
Evry1 Celbrts B'Day Of Gandhi On 2nd Oct.27th Sep 1907 z Bday Of Bhagat Singh.Ds Nybdy Knw dat?Atlst Pas Dis Msg 2 Evry1 Let D Real Hero B Rspctd.
When I am able to use knowledge as a weapon in a positive way, I am able to understand everything that happens.
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