Nice Day Wishes and Status Messages - Page 4

Nice Day Wishes Wishes on Page 4 of 8
Viewed: All time: 233962 times, Week: 27 times
Updated 10 years ago
10 Years Ago | 2 shares | By RAVI KANT # 136

24 sweet hrs make 1 sweet day 7 sweet days make 1 sweet week 4 sweet week make 1 sweet month but.. 1 sweet person like u makes whole life sweet...

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Nitin # 119

Aasman me itne tare ho ki
asma na dikhai de,
Aap ki zindagi me itni khushiya ho,
ke gam na dikhai de,

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Amar # 68

If your eyes are sweet you
would like all the people of
the world.
But if you tongue is sweet
all the people of the world
will like you.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Kuldeep # 69

A Sweeter Smile,
A Brighter Day,
Hope everything turns out
great for you Today!!!
Good Morning!
(> " " <) Have a
( = 'o'= ) Nice
_(,,) _ (,,) Day!!

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Charu # 81

The ,-# -.- #-.
Heart # "#" #
of "#. . #"
a Friend "#"
knows No BoundarieS,
No LimitS,
just endless Love and Care!
"Have a Great Day..."

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Nimish # 61

Lovely wishes 2 a lovely person from a lovely person 4 a lovely reason at a lovely time in a lovely mood in a lovely style 2 say a "HAVE A GUD DAY"

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sourabh # 83

Thought of the day :
"Dont let someone become a priority in your life when you are always an option in their life...!":-)

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Divya # 63

Truth of life :

By the time u realise what your parents said was right. . .

U will have a kid who begins to think you are wrong. . .!!!

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Anika # 70

()''"() .-""-. /),,/)
(=''.''=)( ''.'' )( '';'' )

2 u

Wishing u a
MorninG & Hve
A Nice Day.

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Harsh # 64

Words can xpress all that u think..So,today on WORLD WORDS day,i ask a small favour.
DEFINE me in one sentence.
And plz be serious.I m waiting....

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Kapil # 49

As butterflies open their wings to meet the coming of a new day, may the angels do the same and carry you on their wings to keep you safe throughout the day.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rahul # 100

A day may start or end without a SMS from me,but believe me it won''t start or end without me thinking of u.See!! I just did.Take care!!

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Charu # 81

Hey 2day its

''buri aadat batao day''

send me one of my bad habit u know.
I m w8ing 4 reply..

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Shobhit # 77

GOD is always playing chess with us.HE makes moves in our LIFE & then sits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGES.So make the best moves always!!

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Saket # 17

''''Do not get others to do what you can do yourself.''''My motto on the other hand is,''''do not do that which others can do as well.''''-booker t,washington.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Charan # 24

If d day cums wen i die & i go up in d sky.As i m dere so far,i''ll paste my picture on evry star,so u luk up n see..aila itne sare superstar.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sachitendra # 118

Thought of the Day : Mistakes are painful when they happen


years later a collection of mistakes is called


which leads u to success....¤

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Monalisa # 78

Thought for the day ;
''''Every1 wants happiness,
No one needs pain,
But its not possible to get a rainbow,
Without a little rain.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Yogeshman # 103

My marriage is fixed

Its after 8 days


Ha ha hA
after 8 Days is 1st April. U are 1st fool of 2006.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Chandan # 90

LìttLÉ wìshÉs
jÜst fÖr yÖÜ

( ''o'',)
(,(")(") success

("( Ü )")
(")(") Joy

( Ö,) &
(")(")cute Freind like me in everylife!

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Priyanka # 57

2day is Missed Call day, If u like Me n accept me as a Frend, den give me a Miss call..

Pass dis msg 2 all Ur frnds & C how many Missed Calls u get

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Gaurav # 109

Itz tHE mönth of cÄkEs N cÄndlEs.. snöw N songs.. cÉlEbrations N dEcorÄtions.. LaughtEr N LövE.. Itz DEcEmbEr! Wishing u a LövEly n fun-filled

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Divya # 63

whÄtÉvÉr hÄppÉns tÖ Ür day, jÜst rÉlÄx & mÄnÄge tÖ smìlÉ. life ìs nÖt Ä prÖblÉm tÖ be sÖlvÉd, it''s Ä gìft tÖ bÉ ÉnjÖyÉd. mÄkÉ ÉvÉrydÄy Ür bEst dÄy..

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sachin # 56

Dont be like the hand that crushes the flower But be like the crushed flower which leaves fragrance in the hand that crushed it...

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sachitendra # 118

whÄtÉvÉr hÄppÉns tÖ Ür day, jÜst rÉlÄx & mÄnÄge tÖ smìlÉ. life ìs nÖt Ä prÖblÉm tÖ be sÖlvÉd, it''s Ä gìft tÖ bÉ ÉnjÖyÉd. mÄkÉ ÉvÉrydÄy Ür bEst dÄy..

11 Years Ago | 1 shares | By Sanjay # 23

There are two eternities that can really break u down, Yesterday & Tomorrow. One is gone & other doesnt exist! So live today only..
Have a nice day.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Deepshikha # 113

If God answers ur Prayer, he''s increasing ur Faith. If He delays, He''s increasing ur Patience. If He doesnt answer, He knows u can handle it...! Good day

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Md # 53

When things are not working as we expect them to be, take it as God''s subtle way of teaching us to grow. The process may be difficult but it will surely bring the best out of you. God bless.

11 Years Ago | 2 shares | By Varun # 72

Little trials without God will break you. Big trials with God will make you great. May you always find strength in God''s love and faithfulness.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Manish # 75

No one has traveled the road of success without ever crossing the street of failures. GOD never promised us an easy journey in life, only safe arrival.

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