When earthly help is no avail, there''s one friend who will never fail. Just lift your eyes, the answer is there. For nobody knows the power of prayer. Have a worry free day!
No mater how softly you whisper a prayer, God surely listens, understands and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart. For when you trust in His love, miracles happen!
We are always excited whenever we hear our text tone beeps. What more would God feel if we can also send Him text messages thru our prayers; free of charge?
I ask God to... make you happy, make you smile, guide you safely through every mile; grant you wealth, give you health, and most of all, give you care and love you well.
I''ve known you before you knew me. I tried to get your attention, but you''re so busy. I want you to give all and make you mine. I proved my love when I gave you my life. [JESUS]
One missed call, no one answered. Missed 1: Jesus. But He will never stop calling, no matter how many times you missed His calls... till you hear and answer. Jesus Loves You.
Never a weakness that He can''t fill. Never a sickness that He can''t heal. Never a sorrow that He doesn''t share. Moment by moment- you are under Jesus care.
I love you and I miss you. If you have time, can you please talk to me before working. Always remember Me whether in good or bad times, okay. Sender: Jesus.
What''s the fastest thing on earth? Bullet? Nah... Sound? Not quite. Light? Almost. Answer: Prayer. Because it reaches Heaven even before you can say it. Have a nice day.
When was the last time I''ve heard from you? Well, I just want you to know that I miss you so much. How I''d wish that you would talk to me again. I love you. Sender: Jesus.
Prayer is the key that opens your day to every blessing. It also is a lock that closes the night to keep you safe while sleeping. So what you have to do is "use your key all the time."
Jesus asked me how much I love Him so I spread my arms and said "This much". I asked God how much He loves me. He spread his arms and said "This is how I died for you."
Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves.vbCrLf It is not something we see, like a rainbow,vbCrLf or feel, like the heat of a fire.vbCrLf Happiness is something we are.
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Life is only traveled ONCE,
Today''s MOMENT becomesTOMORROW''s MEMORY.
Enjoy every moment, good or bad, because the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself.... Have a nice day...
May your salty days be peppered with spicy love. May u bask in lemon sunshine, play on strawberry fields, under a vanilla sky.. in short have a Yummy day!