One Liners Wishes and Status Messages - Page 17
One Liners Wishes on Page 17 of 41
Viewed: All time: 108419 times, Week: 53 times
Updated 11 years ago
Updated 11 years ago
Last winter I was laid up at home with the flu. My fiancee'' called and volunteered to come over and fix dinner and play nursemaid to me. I declined, not wanting to pass on the flu to her. "Okay honey", she told me, "Will wait till after we get married. Then we can spend the rest ofour lives making each other sick!"
I have to admit it, Jensen had offered a brilliant proposal to resolve our troublesome problem. He suggested we form three committees, one to study the problem directly, one to study how other companies had resolved similar problems, and a third to oversee the first two and coordinate their efforts into a workable solution. The plan worked flawlessly and we assigned the janitor to change the lightbulb