Department of Redundancy Department
3 out of 4 Americans make up 75% of the population.
An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.
Don''t use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice.
"If the shoe fits, buy it." - Imelda Marcos
A day for firm decisions! Or is it?
I wouldn''t be caught dead with a necrophiliac.
Any closet is a walk-in closet if you try hard enough.
I have friends who swear they dream in color; I say it''s just a pigment of their imagination.
Look out for #1, and don''t step in #2, either.
Confucius say: Those who quote me are fools.
"More hay, Trigger?" "No thanks, Roy, I''m stuffed!"
Help Wanted: Telepath; you know where to apply.
Karaoke is Japanese for "tone deaf".
Alzheimer''s advantage: New friends every day.
Drink your coffee; there are people in India sleeping.
There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count and those who can''t.
Bigamy: one wife too many. Monogamy: same thing
Circular Definition: see Definition, Circular.
Cole''s Law: Thinly sliced cabbage.
Daddy, why doesn''t this magnet pick up this floppy disk?
An unemployed court jester is no one''s fool.
If you spread out all the sand in North Africa, it would cover the Sahara Desert.
As long as I can remember, I''ve had amnesia.
It''s sad how whole families are torn apart by simple things, like wild dogs.
I''d give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
Did you hear? They took the word gullible out of the dictionary!
As I said before, I never repeat myself.
Bombs don''t kill people, explosions kill people.
Some people have a way with words, others not have way.
Showing 871 - 900 of 1249