Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage and you prepare your own limbs to wear them.
God made time, but man made haste.
Frustration is commonly the difference between what you would like to be and what you are willing to become what you would like to be.
Gossip is the art of saying nothing, in a manner that leaves nothing unsaid
Glory is a poison that can only be taken in small doses.
Fools rush in where fools have been before.
Few things are harder to pus up with than the annoyance of a good example.
Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time.
Fanaticism is the false fire of an overheated mind.
Everyone speaks well of his heart, but no one dares to say it of his dead.
Freedom is not caprice, but room to enlarge
Golf is an expensive way of playing marbles.
Freedom can only be real if it is freedom for those think differently.
God has created the world in play.
Gossip is that which no one claims to like-but everybody enjoys.
Get someone else to blow your horn and the sound will carry twice as far.
Genius is a long impatience.
Friendships begin with liking or gratitude-roots that can be pulled up.
Forbidden fruit can get us into a real jam.
Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself.
Fortune makes a fool of him whom she favours too much
Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom.
Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour.
God is truth
Forgotten is forgiven.
Folly is perennial and yet the human race has survived
First-rate men employ first-rate men; second-rate men employ third-rate men.
Finance is the art of passing currency from hand to hand until it finally disappears.
Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer cell.
Freedom demands respect for the freedom of others.
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