The highest pleasure to be got out of freedom, and having nothing to do, is labour
The most imaginative people are the most credulous, for to them everything is possible.
The hand of liberty is stronger than arms of power.
The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won''t get much sleep.
The more we see, the more we shall be able to imagine, and the more we imagine, the more we must think we see.
The man who can''t dance thinks the band is no good.
The more you seat in peace, the less you bleed in war
The hero''s tomb is the cradle of the people
The man who says he''s too old to learn new tricks probably always was.
The hardest thing to disguise is you feelings when you put a lot of relatives on the train for home.
The most successful man in the life is the man who has the best information.
The greatest virtue of man is perhaps curiosity.
The greatest job of teachers is to cultivate talent until it ripens for the public to reap its bounty.
The great essentials of happiness are: something to do,something to love and something to hope for.
The laws of life are founded on necessity, its charms on the non-essentials.
The nice thing about meditation is it makes doing nothing quite respectable.
The liberty of the individual must be thus far limited: He must not make himself a nuisance to other people.
The more faithfully you listen to the voice withhin you, the batter you will hear what is sounding outside.And only he who listens can speak.
The last function of reason is to recognize that there is an infinity of things which surpass it.
The majority of mankind always has been and always will be composed of imbeciles.
The Natural flights of Human mind are not from Pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.
The greatest prayer is patience.
The past is always dogging our heals, striving ceaselessly to banish the present.
The Older I get, the more I judge people by their character and not by their ideas.
The merit belongs to begineer; should his successor do even more better.
The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.
The man with the new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.
The ear tends to be lazy, craves the familiar and is shocked by the unexpected; the eye, on the other hand, tends to be impatient, craves the novel and is bored by repetition.
The greatest intelligence is precisely the one that suffers most from its own limitations.
The difficulty of speeches is what you are perpetually poised between the ciche and the indiscretion
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