When swimming is good for the development of our arms and legs, why do fish not have arms and legs........
when is a man worth some money??................When he pushes a trolley
It is round and orange and says:"I am an orange, I am an orange"? .................. a mandarin who thinks big
What is the difference between a battery and a woman? ...... A battery has also a positive side.
Why are men like snails? ..... They have horns, they slobber and they trudge along, and above all, they think the house is theirs.
What happens when a man is in the water up till his navel ? ...... That is beyond his comprehension.
Why can a man not be handsome and intelligent at the same time? .... Because he would be a woman then
The ressemblance of a man and a cup of coffee? ..... They both get on the nerve.
Why is a false eye made of glass?.....To look through.
Why does beer contain female hormones ? ... When you drink too much of it, you cannot say anything sensible any more, you start to nag and you are no longer able to drive a car.
Why do have so many men a beer gut? ..... Than at least an unemployed dwarf has a roof over his head.
Why are there so many Smiths in the phone book? They all have a phone!
When do you know you are overweight? .... When you are sunbathing on the beach and a Greenpeace-activist tries to roll you back into the sea.
What happens when the earth turn 30 times faster?...You get your salary every day and all women bleed dead!!!
What kind of children do you get using a yellow condom ? ................... NONE ! you stupid !
Why did the statue of liberty have to be a woman?The head had to be hollow to make a restaurant in it!
Why can you buy sigarettes in a gaz station where it is forbidden to smoke ?
When a store is open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, why is there a lock on the door ?
Why the trolleys were invented ? ........ To learn women to walk on their hind legs.
What does a butterfly feel when he is in love?
What is the difference between a washing machine and a teacher? a washing machine runs on batteries and a teacher gets on the nerves.
Who invented milking cows and what did he think when he started doing it ?
It is white and it stands in the corner? ....... A punished fridge
Does a liar lies when he says he says he is telling a lie ?
Do they have a coffee break at the tea factory ?
Where are the first 6 up's ?
How does the driver of a gritting vehicle go to work in the morning ?
Blackmail: "When you do not give me the raise I will tell everyone you did give me one."
How does a dummy catch a rabbit? ... He sits behind a tree and imitates the sound of a carrot.
What do you prefer in the hereafter?...........Smoking or non-smoking area
Showing 121 - 150 of 314