Rude Jokes Wishes and Status Messages
Rude Jokes Wishes
Viewed: All time: 3304 times, Week: 0 times
Updated 11 years ago
Updated 11 years ago
Top Contributors
Points | Rank | Wishes | |
PAGALPANTI | 1901 | 2 | 1901 |
Mansi | 501 | 51 | 501 |
Md | 501 | 53 | 501 |
Anika | 490 | 70 | 490 |
Charu | 486 | 81 | 486 |
Vikas | 485 | 84 | 485 |
Abhay | 483 | 87 | 483 |
avinash sharma | 1 | 6116 | 1 |
This category was added on 5/4/2018 10:26:37 AM, contains 8 SMS, images and status messages, was last last updated on 6/26/2022 6:49:24 AM, has 0 images, had 3304 visitors this month so far. Feel free to share these good, clean, happy Rude Jokes messages with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.