FrIeNdShIp Is A CaR WiD UnLiMiTeD PeTrOl Nd NeVeR ...

Friendship Wishes

By dipu | Added 15 Years Ago, Updated 11 Years Ago, 0 shares
FrIeNdShIp Is A CaR WiD UnLiMiTeD PeTrOl Nd NeVeR EnDiNg RoAd . . .

WhIcH YoU HaVe To DrIvE FoR LoNg LiFe DrIvE . . .

DuRiNg DrIvE U HaVe To B CaReFuLl CoZ MaNy AcCiDeNtS CaN HaPpEn . . .

YoU CaN WiN MaNy RaCeS Of LiFe If U R In It . . .
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A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes in your smile.

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