Will you be my Valentine? I know that I am yours. ...

Valentine Wishes

By Shinde | Added 11 Years Ago, 0 shares
Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
You are like a ocean,
And I am like your shores.
You are like an endless wave
And I your waiting sand.
And I will wait forever as
You come and smooth my hand.
I will wait forever, yet
You are a part of me.
I hold you in my arms, while you
Come to me endlessly.
Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
I love you with a love that yearns
To be your golden shores.
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Love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving face no one will ever take your place. Wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!

By Angad # 92
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