When I came home in the rain, My Brother Asked: W ...

Mother Day Wishes

By Abhinav | Added 11 Years Ago, 4 shares
When I came home in the rain,
My Brother Asked: Why you Didn't take an Umbrella.
Sister:(Advised) why didn't you wait till rain stopped.
Father(Angrily): Warned! only after getting cold, you will realize.

Mother: while drying my Hair, said,
STUPID RAIN! couldn't it wait, till my child came home.
Thats MAA (Mother)

Happy Mother's Day.
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In Mother Day Wishes
Mothers Love Knows No Boundaries
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Knows No Reason As It Is Given Unconditionally,
Knows No Season At It
Transcends Forever Through Eternity…

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By Ashish 8574816604 # 1
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