Sab friend ko mile sanmati Aaj hai makar sankrant ...

Makar Sankranti Wishes

By Bhawesh | Added 10 Years Ago, 218 shares
Sab friend ko mile sanmati
Aaj hai makar sankranti
Sweet friend ug gaya dinkar
Udae patang hum milkar
Aakash ho patang se ata
Sunao wo mara wo kata
All frend aapko happy makar sankranti
May Makar Sankranti
Fill Your Life With Sweetness!
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In Makar Sankranti Wishes
As the sun starts northward journey. He makes all the happines of throughout this year. I wish you and your family a very Happy Makar Sankranti!!

By Ganesh Chandra Singh # 8342
In Makar Sankranti Wishes
143 9