As Shri Ram kills Ravana And comes back to people ...

Dussehra Wishes

By Akshat | Added 10 Years Ago, 39 shares
As Shri Ram kills Ravana
And comes back to people he loves,
As Maa Durga kills Mahish-asura,
And prepares to go back to her heavenly abode,
May these gud-over-evil stories,
Inspire you towards your own victories!
To meet great targets!Aspire & Stretch!
Tide over bad-times!
Make the best of your good-times!
And just enjoy!
Wishing U and your family
A Very Happy Vijaya Dashami & a Happy Dussehra.
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In Dussehra Wishes
May Saraswathi play on your tongue & lips,
Laxmi play on your palms,
Parvathi in your heart,
Durga on your arms,
Wish you a *HAPPY DUSSERA*

By Sana # 76
In Dussehra Wishes
37 11