In a battle camp, a soldier prepares to go to brin ...

Friendship Wishes

By Rahul | Added 11 Years Ago, 0 shares
In a battle camp, a soldier prepares to go to bring his wounded friend back from the field. His captain says " No use. Your friend will be almost dead". But the soldier still goes & brings back his friend. Seeing the dead body, the captain says "I told u its not worth it. He''s dead". The soldier replies "No sir it was really worth it because when i got to him, my friend saw me, smiled & said "MAN I KNEW U''ll COME"
Thats friendship.....
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In Friendship Wishes
Sacrifice is greater than love,
Character is greater than beauty,
Humanity is greater than wealth,
But nothing is greater than friendship

By Nitin # 119
In Friendship Wishes
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