Tongue Twister Wishes and Status Messages - Page 24

Tongue Twisters Wishes on Page 24 of 31
Viewed: All time: 148671 times, Week: 72 times
Updated 10 years ago
10 Years Ago | 0 shares | By RAVI KANT # 136

Sheila''s soldier''s shoulders smolder.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Bhramita # 46

Silly Sally sells shiny sea shells at the sea shore..

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Gazal # 28

Mommy made me mash my M''n''M''s

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Divya # 63

Silly Sally slid down a slippery slide

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Manish # 75

Patty Paterson planned to peel potatoes in Peru

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rahul # 19

Silly Sally sings songs sweetly while sitting on the steaming sidewalk when the sizzling summer sun was shining.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Angad # 92

Peggy Babcock, Peggy Babcock, Peggy Babcock,

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Deepak # 44

Sister Susie sew suits for the soldiers.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Bhawesh # 48

Penny''s pretty pink piggy bank

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Preeti # 36

Six sick snakes sit by the sea

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Vikas # 84

Pepperoni pizza on a pink pattern plate with parley on the side to your pleasure.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Deepak # 44

Peter Pan''s Peanut Butter! Peter Pan''s Peanut Butter! Peter Pan''s Peanut Butter!

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Nakul # 99

Pug Puppy Pug Puppy Pug Puppy....

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Shinde # 20

How many cans can a canner can, if a canner can can cans?
A canner can can as many cans as a canner can, if a canner can can cans.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Lokesh # 55

Red Leather Yellow Leather Red Leather Yellow Leather Red Leather Yellow Leather....

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Charu # 81

How much wood could a wood chopper chop, if a wood chopper could chop wood?

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Awadhesh # 98

Red Lorry Yellow lorry Red Lorry Yellow lorry Red Lorry Yellow lorry....

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Deepak # 44

If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color blood does a blue bug bleed?

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rahul # 88

Red White Red White Red White Red White Red White.....

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Priyanka # 74

If Freaky Fred Found Fifty Feet of Fruit and Fed Forty Feet to his Friend Frank how many Feet of Fruit did Freaky Fred Find?

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Rahul # 116

Red riding hood and robin hood ride right through the river

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Barun # 65

I shot the city sherif ......I shot the city sherif (Say 5 times fast)

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Mansi # 51

Rubber baby buggy bumpers

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sujit # 80

Laughing Laurie Lies to Laurance

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Prem # 39

She sells seashells by the seashore.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Sourabh # 83

Linda-Lou Lambert Loves Lemon Lollipop Lipgloss

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Bimal Dhiman # 120

She shuts the Shop Shutters So the Shopping Shoppers can''t Shop.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Jyotsana # 16

Little Lucy Liphington laughed loudly

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Jyoti Sharma # 89

She sits and shines and shines and sits and sits and shines.

11 Years Ago | 0 shares | By Retasha Sharma # 114

Mandy Marie Mason Makes Marvelous Minnie - Mouse Muffins

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