Tongue Twister Wishes and Status Messages - Page 31
Tongue Twisters Wishes on Page 31 of 31
Updated 11 years ago
If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
"When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor''s the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor''s way"
We surely shall see the sun shine shortly. Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, We''ll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. watch? Whether the weather is hot. Whether the weather is cold. Whether the weather is either or not. It is whether we like it or not.
Mr. See owned a saw.And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See''s saw sawed Soar''s seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore.Had Soar seen See''s saw Before See sawed Soar''s seesaw, See''s saw would not have sawed Soar''s seesaw. So See''s saw sawed Soar''s seesaw.But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because See''s saw sawed Soar''s seesaw
Mr Inside went over to see Mr Outside. Mr Inside stood outside and called to MrOutside inside. Mr Outside answered Mr Inside from inside and Told Mr Inside to come inside. Mr Inside said "NO", and told Mr Outside to come outside. MrOutside and Mr Inside argued from inside and outside about going outside or coming inside. Finally, Mr Outside coaxed Mr Inside to come inside, then both Mr Outside and Mr Inside went outside to the riverside.
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