Wise Wishes and Status Messages
Wise Messages Wishes
Updated 10 years ago
Progress is impossible without change,
and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
Never feel sad on losing anything in your life
Because whenever a Tree loses its leaf,
A new leaf is ready to take its place!
A good way to change someone’s attitude is to change your own attitude Because the same sun that melts snow also hardens the clay.! Life is as you think, so think Beautiful.!
Your wealth, beauty and status are to be remembered for some time, But your good attitude will rule over the hearts forever.
Whenever you want to know how rich u are, don’t count your currency. Drop a tear and see how many hands come to wipe it. That’s true richnes.
There is no definition of a Good day or a Poor day, it all depends on you & your thoughts, That either you run the day or the day runs you!
Don’t mix your words with your mood because you will have many options to change your mood but you will never have any option to replace the spoken words.
In any relationship, when attachment dies, formalities r born, & when formalities are born, nothing remains.
Bees That Have Honey In Their Mouth, Have Stings In Their Tails. So Be Careful From People, Who Pretend To Be Sweet.
Best Reason For Our Failure We Are Expecting ORANGES By Standing Under MANGO Tree So We Should Change Either Our Expectation Or Tree .
The Biggest Mistake Of Most Of Us : We Listen Half, Understand Quarter But Tell Double.
When Someone Is Nasty
Treats You Poorly...
Don't Take It Personally...
It Says Nothing About You
Everything About Them
Tolerance is
The Highest Degree of your Strength,
And desire to take Revenge is
The First Sign of Weakness.
If you don’t love me
at my worst
then you don’t deserve me
at my best.
People are not Beautiful as they look, as they walk, as they wear. They are beautiful as they are Sincere, as they Care & as they Share.,,,
By Breaking My Str0ngest Plans in the Life. ALLAH makes me believe that, He is the One Wh0 is the Plan Maker.. Not Me..!!
Be very open to meeting new people and learn from their experiences. A wise person is one who learns from the mistakes of others around him. B socialized.
Beauty is nothing if you have a rotten attitude and personality. It’s like a book with a good cover but with senseless story.
A truth can walk naked. But a lie always needs to be dressed…!!
Golden rules for successful life 1-Be honest when in poverty 2-Be simple when in wealth 3-Be polite when in authority 4-Be silent when in anger
3rd person never creates mis-understanding between 2 people, But Mis-understanding btween 2 people creates space for 3rd person.
When Nails are Grown We Cut Nails, NOT FINGERS. Similarly When Our Mis-Understandings are Raising We Should Cut Ego NOT Relations.
Ability of a person is not how he has planned. But how he stands & faces the challenges of life when everything he planned has gone wrong.
When you fully trust a person without any doubt. You’ll finally get one of 2 results A Person for Life Or A Lesson for Life.
When the time is never ready to wait for us, then why should we always wait for d right time.? No time is wrong to do the right thing.
When your absence does not alter someone’s life, then accept the reality that your presence has no meaning in their life.
If the first button of shirt is wrongly put All the rest are surely crooked So always be careful at the first step and all the rest will be correct..!
Never raise your voice. Just improve the quality of your argument.
A fantastic signboard in highways to encouraging slow driving “Mr. Late” is always better than..
No matter how noble your intentions are… people judge you by your presentation. and No matter how perfect your presentation is… GOD judges you by your intentions…