Everyday You'll find A better person than me.. But do always Remembr that What i gave you is the best of what i have 'n What i am to you is the Best i could ever be.. !
My happiest time, meeting you My greatest memory, your SMSs! My biggest sadness, the distance! My strongest hope, seeing you soon! My heart’s prayer, Our relation continue 4ever…
Special Is Different From Important. Special Is Someone You Will Never Forget For The Rest Of Your Life. Important Is Someone You Need For The Rest Of Your Life.
You told me I was beautiful. And even though a lot of people tell me that, I think you're the only one who really meant it. For you were the only one who really took the time to look.
YoU touched my Life in a special way.. Much special then what i expected.. Though i don't know.. How special i am to you but you are always special to me.
i want to remember how you we made me laugh and sometime scary and i never want to forget how special&diffrent you are and how you touch my heart in a way that no one else could.
Because you're a beautiful person, I wanted to send something beautiful to you. Because you always fill my world with laughter and happiness, I wanted to send something bright to you.
All i know is that when you are not next 2 me you are constantly on my mind.You are the first person i think about when i wake and the last before i fall off to sleep.
I always remeber thoese people who r special for me, Important for me, i think about them, i care about them, i value them, i pray them, and You r 1 of them..